Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Health And Fitness | Anxiety and Panic Attacks-Understanding ...

Understanding Anxiety
To understand about panic attacks lets understand anxiety. Anxiety is a result of excessive negative thought flow and stress created from everyday routine. These are also caused by dissatisfaction about the way things are in one?s life. Unhappiness, loneliness, fear cause anxiety and as this level of anxiety increases it turns in to a panic attack.

Panic Attack
Panic attack is a period of time where one gets stuck for seconds, minutes or hours in a state of mind which has exceptionally high flow of negative thoughts and is a result of extremely intense anxiety.
Panic attacks are sudden and abrupt and are a devastating experience on a mental level, though fortunately with no major or long term physical harm or adverse effects.

Anxiety and panic attack are completely interrelated. They are two sides of the same coin. That is the reason why anxiety and panic attack strike together normally.
Almost everyone living experiences anxiety and panic attacks at one point or the other in their life. But with some it is on a very high scale thus making it a disorder. Now when this has grown increasingly in an individual it becomes necessary to understand what it is and how to get out of it.

If you try and understand what anxiety and panic attacks are it will be easier to find a way out of it. Yes, it is a result of fear, depression, loneliness, unhappiness, dissatisfaction and most of all stress that one gets into an anxiety and panic attack situation. But, the fact is, it?s the way one reacts to the stress, fear and other factors that increase anxiety level in life. If it is just about controlling the way you react to such situations in life it will be easier to get out of anxiety and panic attacks.

Is it just me? Am I abnormal? Am I sick?
There is nothing abnormal about panic attacks. Even the most seasoned persons have their moments of self doubt and acute anxiety. And the most successful are those who have managed to find a cure for panic attacks. They are those who have got better of the situation and have increased their efficiency and output just as you can too. No, you are not sick nor are you abnormal. All you require is to learn more about the condition and a little help on how to manage the situation.

what should one do in such a condition
The key lies in self awareness. Understand the factors which trigger off such attacks in you. You can help yourself or in some cases, you can seek external help, plenty of which is available and tailored just for such situations. You may not be ill but be assured that you will find a cure for panic attacks.

Will I be cured? Is it easy?
Of course you will be and yes it?s easy. Modern science has already identified the causes for panic attacks and can create situations where you can avoid these attacks totally and if they do occur, you can manage them so effectively that you will never have to worry again. A combination of self-help, of awareness and where required, of medicines and therapies can guarantee you total relief. Relax. There is really no need to be worried about your condition.

You will find that it is possible to avoid such situations, and if they occur, that there is a cure for panic attacks and that it is easy, effective and within your reach.

In short, Panic attacks are result of anxiety and anxiety is a result of the way one reacts to the rather difficult situations in life. Anxiety and Panic attacks walk hand in hand.

About Author Randy Blair :

Pay close attention here: Don?t reinvent the wheel and don?t waste your time and money. The answer lies at your fingertips. Find out what a huge difference it makes in your life by offering you a treatment for panic attacks. http://panicmedication.com

Article Source:?http://www.bharatbhasha.net
Article Url: http://www.bharatbhasha.net/health.php/368213

Article Added on Monday, April 16, 2012

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